a journey of marriage, three kiddos and experiencing all God's wants for me and from me in this life
"are you sure this is a girl?"
Kevin asked me this minutes ago while sitting on the couch holding his dear Daisy as she was making a poopy diaper...it was so funny... Daisy burps way better and louder than Carter ever has... and she pees when you change her diaper all the time (despite what they say about little boys Carter has only done this 2-3 times his whole life)... this picture is from Daisy's one week photo shot... I like the focus of this one not on her but the daisy... so fun playing with our new camera... so we went to visiting hours for a woman at our church who passed away suddenly this past Saturday... there were so many people there...Char and her husband have helped many youth through young life and different church ministries... it was neat seeing people we didn't even know catching up and talking about experiences they had had with Char... it really made me think about living a legacy... not just for my family or friends but to serve my Lord... it was just really amazing... and we got a tour of daisies since nearly every arrangement had some sort of daisy in it... I really was touched by going and really need to process how I am living my life not just for myself.,,
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