"are you sure this is a girl?"

pink and green...

bath time

so here is the best picture I think I have ever taken...Daisy really lifts her head completely up when she is on her belly and that is the monkey Carter gave her in the hospital...our lives are so beautiful right now!
Daisy Elizabeth Caroline....

officially late...
it is finally official... this baby is late!...it is 0300 on Monday and the baby is not here yet!...I think this is some kind of sick joke since I swore this baby would be here the first week of February or something...no, I am really fine with it, honestly I think by body is doing the exact same thing in the same amount of time as Carter, it just started two weeks later...I still have a little bit of a cold and larengitis and I am not too excited about not being 100% before having this baby...I am working tonight which means I am saving my sick time and will be out of work into May which will mean nicer weather hopefully!...looking on the bright side!
l&d and back home...
we had a false alarm last night...while playing Settlers of Catan with my Mom and Auntie B, I was laughing and had a gush of what I thought was my water breaking (or peeing my pants)...hope not to gross you out but here goes the story...so I waited for about an hour and it kept happening...it was weird and I really couldn't control it but it happened mostly when coughing or laughing...so after awhile Mom thought I should really call the doctor and see what she thought...I was only having a couple of contractions nothing bad but called and they said to come in...so we packed up, leaving Carter who was already tucked into bed asleep with Auntie B...to make a long story short...I was sent home after being checked and the assumption was my water had not broken but things are moving along and maybe I was in early labor...and peeing my pants! or losing my mucous plug (I know gross)...the funny thing was the nurse couldn't get a continuous tracing of the baby's heart rate because it kept kicking the monitor off...they kept asking if all this movement was normal and I was like "Yes! This baby has been killing me for months now!"...I think it is just really strong since I first felt it move a 14.5 weeks!...amazing...so anyways we got home around 2 am and went to bed...today Mom, Auntie B, Carter and I went to Trader Joes and Panera for lunch while Kevin worked...then went to Steve and Che's for Chinese, Dominoes and visiting with Keith and Alyson... all in all a good day but no baby...I am due to have this baby in 3.5 hrs...we will see...time for bed!
the great snow adventure...

I just love all of these yummy pictures!...my new camera is so fun!...I don't really know what I am doing with it but it works...I plan on taking a photography 101 class at some point this year...we'll see...

for my Valentines...

from zooMass...
I am at work and bored...hopefully I won't be back here before my 12 weeks of maternity leave...I am felling good but tired and ready to crawl into bed...things on the home front are going well...Carter hasa very congested cough and a runny nose so it looks like we will all miss church in the am...family night tomorrow after I wake up...not sure what plans we have but something that includes food, walking around and helping Carter find a present for the baby that he can bring to the hospital...so maybe this baby could be born on Valentine's Day (or David G's b-day the 12th)...kinda cool...but I really want it to come when it's ready...patience is a virtue!
thank God for body butter!
with this artic chill (it's been about 20 every day with a strong wind, today 24 wo-hoo) I was in so uncomfortable with dry skin...like I have never been before...it was disgusting... but my girlfriend Marissa hooked me up with some body shop coconut body butter and with in 24 hrs I am as smooth as a baby bum!...thanks Marissa!...so much more comfortable other than the fact this baby is running out of room...seems my belly has taking on an even weirder shape...Kevin noticed it last night...it's even lower and wider than it had been...the other night when I rolled over I felt a crunch (literally) of a little foot sticking out of my side or something...the oddest sensation I have felt yet...I felt bad for the baby but figured maybe that was a nudge to the baby to get out...this home can only get so much bigger...Kev, Carter and I really want to meet this kid and see what it looks like...I think that is so hard to try to imagine what this baby will look like...I remember thinking this with Carter but now I wonder if the baby will look like Carter or not...and that little personality can't wait for it to bloom and grow before our eyes!...have been day dreaming about all of this!...off to bed for my daily nap and then I have to make dinner and go to work the next couple nights!...scary I know!
1 full cm...

Cream cheese day come and gone...
Superbowl come and gone and no baby#2....it is kinda depressing but funny too that this little one is taking it's sweet time making it's appearance into the world!...this makes me suspect more than ever that it is a girl...needs a grand debut!...so I feel like I am making little bits of progress but nothing significant...pressure here, one strong contraction here, a run to the bathroom there...but really nothing yet...we will continue to keep you posted and rest up for another night at work on Tuesday (arrhhhg!)
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