...after battling with the cats this morning (they had my legs "straight jacketed" under the comforter) I kicked them out of bed...then out of the bedroom...mean momma I know ...but this momma wants her sleep and space...after tossing and turning and having my stomach growl for about an hour I am up eating an English muffin and cocoa...I have been a crab the last day or two...almost 35 weeks but wanting to have this baby tomorrow...today is the big crib day...moving a crib from a friends to Kevin's parents house...then taking their crib here to put in the nursery for Carter...Carter's current crib (an antique little crib that was my grandfathers is going to be for the new baby)...I am excited for Carter...he will have more space...last night we went to Uno's for pizza and then the baby mega store to pick out a special outfit to bring baby home in if it is a girl...I was a weird yet freeing thing to shop in the girl's section...I normally feel it is off limits to browse at the little girl clothes seeing as I have a boy in my cart...but last night it was fun and fun for Kevin...but he isn't getting his hopes up for a girl...he is so sensible...we have a little boy outfit ready if it is another boy...I washed the first load of new born stuff and have it half put away...we will do the rest once Carter's dresser is painted...Kev has been stripping the paint all week and it is drying and will be sanded down today hopefully...maybe primed tomorrow...we also need to paint some book shelves for the nursery and organize Carter's toys...wow!...why did I think I was ready for this baby already?
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