
Tuesday... ah the day shift!

I had a busy day to say the least.... Helped save a 3 yo having seizures and transported to the U of Miami hospital, I helped change over half the patient;s drsg for Merlin the British hospital that has plastic surgery and ortho services, I tried 5 angio caths (different IV than I am used to) and I had a 4 out 5 success rate!, I played with a few kids, taught one little girl how to use my camera (she loves it! She is 7 and is taking care of her paralyzed brother from questionable Guillian Barre Syndrome. She speaks great English since her dad is Haitian American and i told her about photojournalist and that when she grows up she should take pics and sell them to the newspaper) She loved the idea!, I changed a little girls drsg just b/c everyone else got to hav3e her drsg changed, I showed off my pictures of our family to the kids since they love my hair and I knew they would love Doodles. All teh boys were surpirsed by Kevin and acted surprised that I had a husband anbd they could tell he was tall! So funny! Anyway I am ex-hausted after little sleep last night. Under the mosquito net I go.... BTW hun you picked a great net! Love you all!


Jennifer said...

Love you! Sleep well!

kathryn said...

sounds like a good day and i hope you got your much needed sleep. great job!!!!