
Bonjou from Haiti!

I kinda get to sleep in today since I am working all night... not easy to sleep in here since there are helicoptors, radios, people singing and doing laundry. Someone is going to walk over and get me ar 10am so i can just hang out, meet the kids.... and get a feel for things before tonight. They asked if I wanted days or nights and I jumped for nights, I figure why not.... I think sleeping during the day will be harder that at home but I sis bring ear plugs. I was able to have dinner with midiwfe Beth and two other midwives... they are hoping for a birth soon but one mayb e a full-term mom that they think just miscarried. No baby heart sounds or placenta sounds and no movement for a day or so. So she should deliver soon or at least come back to the clinic on Monday. They asked if i wanted to come to a birth even if the baby was dead. I was like "I guess so.... somebody needs to be there." That will be difficult to say the least but even if I am not there for the mother I can be there for the midwives right? We will see what happens. That will be hard to say the least. Please pray for that mom and baby and prepare those that will be there when she delivers.

I just saw my fellow nurses off to their first day of orientation, I guess your first day is pretty overwhelming and then you just figure it out by day two or three. The hospital is now hold 40 patients and their families. Should be a busy day for them b/c they are send 7 pts home, going to Cite Soliel (a slum) to do drsg changes, find new people that need treatment and bring them back to the hospital.... I hope to go one day and check that out... don't worry they go with interpreters and a armored gaurd. BTW mom and all my worry worts... all buildings are gaurded by armed guards and the house I am living in has a 225lb Old English Mastiff named Larry! He is such a love to us though! I am off to take a shower and listen to Ray LaMontagne on my phone.... peace!


Jennifer said...

Love you!

kathryn said...

thats so intense. im praying. keep blogging