recently I have been totally ignoring our garden.... with the thought that it was a failure lingering in my mind (most of our big tomatoes and our pumpkin vines rotted with all the rain in August, same with the last of the beloved summer squash and zucchini)... we did enjoy the bounty of others gardens (thanks Papa and Amanda!)... but I feel like I just lost the oomph after that to even walk out to the garden.... until today.... we were loving reminded by Daddy over the weekend that the carrots were still green and maybe ready to be pulled... remembering that I planted the carrots for the kids mainly we headed out in the fall evening air to find...

some tiny....

some longer...

some short and fat resembling a sweet potato...

the kids loved it! and in the end we had a basket full and a feast of carrots....

I am now finding my self dreaming of planting a garden in the spring... I think I may have to check out a good gardening book to get the wheels turning... and figure out how to tear this jungle apart for the winter and prepare for the spring.... any advice? I am more than willing to learn!
Try using a mix of sand and dirt for the carrots. Use neem oil for bugs that eat leaves. The number 1 thing I recommend is making your own compost or use tom's of maine. You should lay compost over the dirt over the winter, or mix it into the dirt in the spring. I mixed it in this Spring and left some at the base of my plants so they would get a watery compost mix every time I watered. Dave Johnson (remember him?) is a farmer now and he told me to make compost tea (google compost tea) and use that tea to water your plants.
In the end, compost really stimulates growth. 2 cents from an amature gardener.
My carrots looked the same and I definitely planted them in hard soil and I put them too close together.
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