the midwife came on Friday for a prenatal visit... she was amazed how much bigger Cora felt... since I have been trying to eat better (more protein, less sugar) I feel really good about this... however later that night we had Mexican food and that put me into a marathon of pretty strong contractions that fizzled after a couples hours but left me feeling uncomfortable... I guess this is a good sign since a few days ago I stated multiple times that i felt too good to be 9 months pregnant!... yesterday I felt big and slow but today I feel like I have more energy and I am preparing for work tonight ( ie a nap is going to start very soon).. I am just happy she is getting a little bigger since in my opinion bigger babies sleep and eat better than little babies (though tempermant is a lot of it too!)
i can attest that bigger babies sleep better! Can't wait to meet her!
I'm glad that you're still feeling so well! I can't wait to hear when Cora makes her way into this world and hope for a wonderful birth experience for you!
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