
The Graduate!

Our home has been busy since I came back from Haiti... I am trying to catch up! Carter Graduated from Preschool two weeks ago and we are so very proud of him as he grew in many ways. He was shyer than I thought he would be but that all changed this spring and he began to show his true colors a little more (my social butterfly!). There was a little incident where he "sneaked" away from a lesson to go back to the ice cream parlor with his little buddies... this didn't surprise me at all!Carter's special teacher Kerri was very sweet and he seemed to enjoy her. We are excited about Carter going to full day kindergarten next year. We will drive him to a another school in our town for the full day. I think it will give him more time to play, socialize and learn.... now I have to pack a lunch everyday! Yikes... Any healthy lunch suggestions?

For the summer we were adviced to help Carter with letter and number recognition.... I am trying my hardest to be laid back and just lead him. Not get all tense and frustrated with his lack of interest. We did buy him a Leapster for his birthday/graduation which seemed like a lame solution to the problem. But I think it has helped him a little. And he doesn't abuse his time with it. He especially loves being a Jedi and shooting the meteors with letters on them! Gotta love 5 year old boys and Star Wars!
This little girl just loves her big brother. She really does look up to him in the sweetest way. But she is also excited about her new adventures in nursery school next year!
Here she is trying to picture herself a year from now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

adorable; wish we could have been there. Luv, Mom