early this afternoon we had a Mama bring in her baby that was born last Friday at the Heartline Women's Center. The baby was extremily jaundice, a little lethargic, had a temp. He hadn't eaten since the night before.

Hi mama knew it was good to bring him back to Beth and Joanna (the midwives) who then brought him to Heartline Hospital to see Dr. Jen. Grace who is a wonderful nurse got an IV in the baby, bolused him with fluids while I mixed the antibiotics and found things. It brought back many memories of Kenny being sick which was scary but this baby seemed healthier, like we caught any infection he had at the time.

We made him a makeshift bed out of a rubbermaid box so he could lay out in the sun (more like a cloudy sky- unusual for Haiti) for some sun therapy- this helps get rid of the jaundice. I sat with him in the sun and gave him his second antibiotic. Then it started drizzling. When I got inside we decided to feed him since he was awake and smacking his lips. He seemed to want to eat but wasn't doing a very good job swallowing. His mama came back and I tried to have her breastfeed him but he was tired. I went home to take a nap and when I came back Grace said he seemed worse... lethargic and had just vomited some breast milk. This was really worrisome so Dr. Jen and Grace took the baby to Miami with his mama and Beth. The baby is now on a ventilator and being aggressively treated. We are praying he makes the night. It is so hard in Haiti to not have the ability to accurately diagnose with no labs... you really have to assess, reassess and go with your gut sometimes. Dr. Jen was right about moving him since he was decompensating in the car on the way to the hospital. We are praying for good news in the morning. Will you please join me and send out a prayer for this little one?
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