Carter turn 5 a few weeks ago and we celebrated with a pool party at our friends house. We felt very grateful for the use of their home and pool! Even though it poured and thunder the first hour of the party. But as soon as it was over we were in the pool and having fun! Here Carter is with Austin his buddy who turned 5 in May! His mom and I remember having pregnant bellies together and now look at our big boys!

Daisy has a mean swing... softball is in her near future!

Cora just LOVES to swim! She has no fear of the water! The will walk right into it! Thank goodness Auntie B is a life guard!

Carter loved his gift everyone! Thanks you so much!

Here is his awesome Star Wars Legos cake! (If I may say so myself) I made this inbetween three trips to the hospital with a mama being induced and finally her giving birth at 3am. I finished it after only a couple hours of sleep in time to take a nap before the party! Thank you for all the help everyone!

Needless to say we ended the day very grateful for the gift of being parents, having wonderful kids that are healthy and growing! And to all our family and friends that continue to support us and love us!
Looks like fun!! I would love to have that pool especially in this humid weather. Good job on the cake!!
Sorry we couldn't be there....looked like fun :)
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