The morning was kinda chilly and to early for my liking but we were all up and at em' to send this sweet boy off to school for the first day ever! Daisy was kinda upset and just sad to see him go! As we talked about it all week she said we needed to find a "kitty backpack" so she could go too! I just love this picture of her saying good-bye!

He is going to the Nursery School program at Whachusett High School

where Kevin went to high school and Kevin's dad works as a maintenance guy on the evening shift. We refer to WRHS as Papa's school. The kids are sort of familiar with going there with Papa for security on the weekends and helping in the shelter during the ice storm.

Anyway Carter himself was not nervous at all! He was very excited to meet new friends and see his friend Maddie from church who goes there also. We quickly found his cubby

and his friend Maddie greeted him and helped him find his name.... so sweet.

And then he just fit right in giving us one little wave good-bye.

He is getting so big and strong. I just can't even believe it! No tears were shed though, I did keep it all together and enjoyed my girls the rest of the morning.

Oh boy are we going to have fun together w/o buddy around... tea parties here I come! And when we picked him up he had lots to say and tried to sing some new songs for us! He really hasn't been much of a singer up to this point so hopefully he'll grow in that area this year. Here are a couple thing he made:

His correspondence tube for Mama and the teacher to send notes in!

And spinnies (as he called them). Thursday was a harder day for me 'cause Kevin wasn't here and I have strep throat but we made it just in time.
Who is is special teacher? There is a good chance that I will know her.
He's getting so big too soon! Enjoy them now, before you know it they are married with 3 kids! Mom
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