thanks to my friend JennyD at work Daisy has a new Bumbo seat...I came up with the jingle (to the Fanta, Fanta commercial) sometime around 0300 last night at work... my poor brain is mush by that point... so when I got home and Daisy got up it was the first thing we did... about five minutes of Bumbo time... even Carter had his turn at it... however we are trying not to make it a habit... off to "Bumbo, Bumbo..."
I didn't even take my camera out this weekend... I was too busy... first of all I didn't work at all this weekend! Yeah!... I spent Friday night out scrapbooking at Times to Treasure (Kev stayed home with the kiddos)... Saturday I went to the mother daughter breakfast at church with my Daisy of course!... left early to head to lunch with the Trautermans... Marissa made Kevin's (and Will's too!) favorite meal and dessert... ahhh Chocolate Trifle!... then Marissa and I headed to Kathy McFarland's for a Creative Memories party... kinda cheesy scrapbook stuff but I love their tape runners!!!!! I order the refills two at a time!...And I had run out Friday at the crop I went to... so after the CM party Marissa dropped me off at home and then the whole family headed to Boston to meet my family for dinner and celebrate my Mom's birthday!... we got home late and Carter was up till 11:00!... yikes! then Sunday we were up early to get the house ready for lunch guest!... We had Ben and Jenny Roberts and their daughter Annalisa over... I made Kevin's favorite Beef Stroganof ... we had a wonderful time with them and then nap time... which Carter desperately needed... then Uncle Keith and future Aunt Alyson came over and visited... then we went to Moes for dinner with them... then we crashed after we finally got the kids in bed last night... dispite all the rain we had a fun weekend and did a lot of things I had wanted to do... but today is a day of rest and a day to get caught up! sorry no pics... next time!
today I did something I said I would never do... I carried my baby in an earthy crunchy piece of fabric wrapped around my body... when I had Carter I thought that was a stupid idea and would spoil a baby but honestly my heart has changed a little (I am so judging of others sometimes and then I'm quick to do the exact same thing)... I just don't have time to sit and play with Daisy like I did with Carter... she is fairly content to lay on the farm (her playmat) but I think she needs more interaction than doing that all day long... as long as she still naps on time I think she will not be spoiled... a little kangaroo action never hurt any one right?
taking part in this fun little challenge to grow my creativity... had lots of fun with this title I made for the page... an interesting way to journal my thoughts about Carter these days as he is showing his independent side... I am having issues with him growing up so fast... it breaks my heart but I know I have to get used to it... he'll just keep growing!
just a beautiful picture from the other morning... Daisy is propped up on the bobby and Carter wanted her to play with his blocks... he was shaking the noisy ones for her and she seemed to like it... so beautiful!
(text added late) so here is my late celebration of Ntnl' Scrapbooking Day which happened on Saturday... I didn't have time to actually scrap but went shopping for a few goodies at Times
this is a recent layout I made of our family portrait in 2005 taken by Rebekah and Brian Traylor in their living room... love these pictures...
but then !I was off to the Pink Tea... so much fun... let me explain... Kevin's Aunt Wendy has beautiful home in Bolton and her (and my mother in-laws) cousin Kathleen came up from PA and hosted a "Pink Tea" at Wendy's... it was all of us women from their side of the family... some of whom I had never met... Daisy came and was decked out in a pink Polly Flinders dress (that was mine when I was a baby) and a crocheted hat, booties and cardigan Nanny had made for her... girls are so fun to dress... any who Wendy's house looked beautiful and we all enjoyed goodies, fruity teas, and the company of each other... Kathy is so inventive and started these teas at home with her girlfriends and wanted to share it with us... she is thinking about writing a book about the pink tea and invited each of us to brain storm about hosting our own... hummmmm?... maybe when I am not so busy in like 20 years... just kidding... man look at that amazing table!... ahh the petit fours!
I am starting a new project this spring with this beautiful fabric I have on hand from making pocketbooks for presents... it is all Amy Butler fabric (which I love! and now she has scrapbook paper!!!! just about died when I found this out)... I am making a crazy quilt inspired by my Aunt Barb... I am sure it will never live up to her creations but I have dreamed about, thought about and envisioned doing this for more than two years... way before Carter was born.. wow how time flies!
loving all the green... fresh air... sun shining through the windows.. and dirty little toes from flip flops and sandals... we spent the weekend down at Dave and Jayme's... celebrating Giuliana's 3rd birthday and Dawson's dedication... we had a wonderful visit... Giuliana and Carter are such good buddies and just played together so much... Carter loved her kitchen and cooked all weekend... the babies (Daisy and Dawson) were loved on a ton and very well behaved... we returned with me having to return to work on Monday and my week has been busy ever since... Dawson is so much bigger than Daisy but it is nice since I think she is so big for her age... she is smiling up a storm and watching everything in her world... I am so overwhelmed with the house and all I have not done this week because I went back to work... I just want to be outside and enjoy the fresh air but I have lots to do... maybe a walk in the morning... ahh! that fresh air