On Labor Day we had the fall craving to go apple picking. We are big fans of Tougas Farms! So we headed there.

It was fun at first and we enjoyed tasting all the varieties!

For once the children posed for this picture without me even asking! It was their idea! This never happens and it made me so happy!

Then the meltdown started.... Daisy's legs were tired... Carter said picking all these apples was too much work and no fun... then Cora who was trying to keep up and walk started to be too tired and I had to carry her and the whole bushel of apples...

By the time we got back to the pumkin patch the kids were spent... Then we had a plan to get Apple crisp Donuts (my fav) and head home.... only to have Kev mention ice cream... and that was it!... D and C crying for ice cream with sprinkles no the less and a baby that was starving.... in an effort to save a few bucks Kev decided to go elsewhere to get ice cream... we bought three cider donuts and we went to the place at the bottom of the hill that was only 20cents cheaper for a small and extra for sprinkles... then Daisy had a conniption b/c even though she was raving about chocolate ice cream since Kev had mentioned it... she then changed her mind and wanted strawberry... Let just say it was a messy ride home with a screaming I want to now throw my chocolate ice cream that I don't want... naps for all when we went home!

1 comment:
Sounds like you might be interested in picking apples again as long as we don't mention ice cream. Luv, Mom
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