last week we placed a Pea Pod order and when it came we were all so excited to get essentials for a house with a new baby and sick kids and a hungry breastfeeding mama!... when the delivery man carried it all right into the kitchen I suddenly realized we had and abundance of bananas... YUCK!!!!! I hate bananas! It truly is the only food I can't even eat! well I thought I ordered four ripe and four unripened bananas but we received four bunches of ripe and unripened bananas! needless to say we passed out bananas to lots of friends and family over the weekend and only kept about eight for ourselves! however as far as Pea Pod.... LOVE IT!!!!!! can't wait to use my free delivery coupon in a month when I just don't want to take all three kids to the grocery store... totally worth it!
1 comment:
You poor thing; glad that you could pawn some off on your friends. Love, Mom
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