
Thanks Kelly! Here are my quirks!

1) I tend to order the same thing at restaurants. You know if you liked what you ate the first time why chose something different? (Kevin is starting to hate this and I also would have never guessed myself to be predictable but I guess I am).... here are some choices: Friendly's- a 3 scope sunday with chocolate almond chip, hot fudge, whip cream and a cherry, Texas Road house- Country friend Chicken with a house salad on the side with bluecheese drsg and a loaded baked sweet potato (not so healthy but I split it with both kids), Moe's-an Other Lewinsky hold the sour cream, extra guac and cilatro on it, Dunkins- a medium Cocunut (or Toasted Almond) iced coffee, Panera- Cream of Chicken with wild rice soup and an Asian salad, just to name a few

2)I have to sleep with socks on..... this may be gross.... but my feet always sweat so if I sleep without socks they dry out and I hate the feeling.... Kevin can't stand the thought of it but my ice cold, clammy feet in bed are not that great without socks either

3) I can't stand it when people don't put their shopping carts where they belong.... even with two kids and one on the way I put my cart (and others) in the carral or back in the store... New Englanders are the WORST at this!!

4) I hate plastic bags... the texture, the sound of them in the car, and I have huge fears of my children suffocating in them.... needless to say I have many other alternatives I use and love

5) in the summer I have to keep my toes polished... without it they look naked to me!

6) I cringe every time I hear the Law and Order music from the living room.... I can't stand Frasier (they seem to yell not talk).... and when we went away a few weeks ago and vegged out with cable TV I almost freaked when I heard the Sport Center intro when I got out of the shower.... I do love not having cable at home!
tag your it! Jayme, Marissa, ........, (i don't have six blogging friends)

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