at 14 weeks our baby is a little bigger than this lime.... excitement is growing over this little one.... Carter ask how the baby is everyday and Daisy lifts my shirt when you ask her where the baby is.... it is fun to see them so interested... we can't wait for the ultrasound in 3 weeks to find out the sex... lots of conversations about it being a boy or a girl... and seeing the baby on the "TV" in the office... we are starting to think about redoing the kids rooms but can't make any definite decision till we know what the baby is and who will share a room with the little lime.... since this baby can't be a lime forever lets take a poll and see whose right.... I say boy.... Carter says girl but also says it will have body parts like him " 'cause that's cool!"... take the poll to the right and we'll see
this week i started a new position at work....I am now part of the critical care float pool.... this means I float to all the ICUs in the hospital (all 5, one being the 7ICU where I came from) which all have there own specialty, the Emergency Department, the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) and pediatric ICU.... I will still visit my old home but am pleased to be float around the hospital seeing new things, meeting new people and learning new skills.... I am still working two 12 hour shifts per week but only every 4th weekend and holiday....I like it thus far.... I spend 1 and 1/3 nights in the PACU and 1 and 2/3 nights in 3ICU (the surgical ICU)... every one seems to be welcoming and very nice... amazed to see how many people in other areas I already know....making this change has been on my heart for a long time... I didn't want to get burnt out where I was and our patient population was less than desirable (I know that sounds rude but let me explain)... they ware mostly people who were infection filled, were on deaths door and had abused themselves in many different ways for 30, 40 or 50 years (drugs, alcohol, not taking there meds or seeking appropriate medical treatment, or eating right) and they (or their family) wanted us to do everything in our power to save them... this included a lot of pain and suffering for our patients which is hard to see 24- 36 hours a week... some of the nurses I worked with just didn't care anymore and were very complacent... I however never want to be this way in my attitude toward my job... shortly after having Daisy I thought I should do something different and now I have... I will still float to this ICU but won't have to face it day in and day out... the whole thing felt very bittersweet... leaving a place I had friends, stability, had learned a lot and shared a lot of laughs!.... and this new job is scary.... seeing traumas come into the ED, working with people I don't even know, asking lots of (sometimes stupid) questions, seeing little kids not make it.... wow! it will be really hard!!!! but I feel up for the challenge!
Thanks Kelly! Here are my quirks!1) I tend to order the same thing at restaurants. You know if you liked what you ate the first time why chose something different? (Kevin is starting to hate this and I also would have never guessed myself to be predictable but I guess I am).... here are some choices: Friendly's- a 3 scope sunday with chocolate almond chip, hot fudge, whip cream and a cherry, Texas Road house- Country friend Chicken with a house salad on the side with bluecheese drsg and a loaded baked sweet potato (not so healthy but I split it with both kids), Moe's-an Other Lewinsky hold the sour cream, extra guac and cilatro on it, Dunkins- a medium Cocunut (or Toasted Almond) iced coffee, Panera- Cream of Chicken with wild rice soup and an Asian salad, just to name a few2)I have to sleep with socks on..... this may be gross.... but my feet always sweat so if I sleep without socks they dry out and I hate the feeling.... Kevin can't stand the thought of it but my ice cold, clammy feet in bed are not that great without socks either3) I can't stand it when people don't put their shopping carts where they belong.... even with two kids and one on the way I put my cart (and others) in the carral or back in the store... New Englanders are the WORST at this!!4) I hate plastic bags... the texture, the sound of them in the car, and I have huge fears of my children suffocating in them.... needless to say I have many other alternatives I use and love5) in the summer I have to keep my toes polished... without it they look naked to me!6) I cringe every time I hear the Law and Order music from the living room.... I can't stand Frasier (they seem to yell not talk).... and when we went away a few weeks ago and vegged out with cable TV I almost freaked when I heard the Sport Center intro when I got out of the shower.... I do love not having cable at home!Martag your it! Jayme, Marissa, ........, (i don't have six blogging friends)
Kevin's work does a family outing to Mt. Washington, NH every year... last year we brought the kids and had a good time but this year we felt time so us was definitely a need.... we relaxed in the hotel room, took lots of scenery pictures, had good conversation (uninterrupted by kiddos), watch cable TV, ate lots of free, yummy food, stayed up late and slept in, went horseback riding (i've been wanting to take Kevin on a horse forever), talked about the new baby, got all dressed up, spent time in the spa and made new friends (well Kevin was already friends with his officemate Joe but i got to meet him and we both got to meet his girlfriend Lingse who is wonderful)...... over all we had a wonderful time.... and so did the kids with Grandma and Grandpa![](
back when this was taken (June 19th) the baby was the size of a grape.... I figured we would compare with fruit for fun.... love this picture!