
adventures in parenting:part II

after a long night at work of poop patrol (being a nurse is hard work!)... I came home Sunday morning and was flossing/brushing my teeth only to hear little Daisy at my feet coughing... as I look down, glasses off... I realize she is chewing and coughing up something brown... a Mr. B (the cat's) dingleberry(as we lovingly refer to them) or poop!... YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... as I immediately start wiping out her mouth with baby wipes and start undressing her the cat jumps out of the bathtub and had a look like "Ooops! Gotta go!"... Kevin ran to help as I was FREAKING out and on the verge of... well... being sick myself... Daisy on the other hand was uneffective and survived the whole thing!... the poop patrol continued... (oh and by the way Carter did the same thing when he was about the same age... he just smeared it all over our couch... I have tried to erase the memory from my mind but Kevin reminded me)

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