
so proud!

(thanks to Christina moving out)
my Dad finally has his own office back... my Mom has her bedroom back... and the piles? well I only found one Jayme!



was complete with... the Macy's Day Parade (well a 1/2 hour of it)... high school football... meeting one side of the family at the game... kiddos bundled up... the mad dash home and back into the car for the ride to Boston... yummy turkey dinner from Mom and Tina and I produced most of the sides... this way the dishes are manageable for everyone... my parents had singles from their ministry ties in Boston and David Reynoso(sorry you had to work jen!) come over for dinner... we have always shared our Thanksgiving table with others which I think is special... naps for the kids... dessert for us... drive back home so i can go to work =(... this stunk!... but turned out to be a great day... Kevin then headed to his grandparents to see that side of the family... Carter liked melanie the doggie and the pie!... I even went shopping after work on the morning... all by myself which was great... I am so much lighter on my feet without two kids... the after-Thanksgiving shopping mob?... No problem and I was in bed by 9:30... the shopping has begun!



is the preparation for the feast tomorrow... the oven is on, the sink full of dishes, and the kids have crazy amounts of energy... can't wait for football and the parade... and seeing family!

adventures in parenting:part II

after a long night at work of poop patrol (being a nurse is hard work!)... I came home Sunday morning and was flossing/brushing my teeth only to hear little Daisy at my feet coughing... as I look down, glasses off... I realize she is chewing and coughing up something brown... a Mr. B (the cat's) dingleberry(as we lovingly refer to them) or poop!... YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... as I immediately start wiping out her mouth with baby wipes and start undressing her the cat jumps out of the bathtub and had a look like "Ooops! Gotta go!"... Kevin ran to help as I was FREAKING out and on the verge of... well... being sick myself... Daisy on the other hand was uneffective and survived the whole thing!... the poop patrol continued... (oh and by the way Carter did the same thing when he was about the same age... he just smeared it all over our couch... I have tried to erase the memory from my mind but Kevin reminded me)


to all you scrappin' ladies...

I invite you to join me tomorrow morning at my church for a ladies scrap booking fellowship... sounds official but really it's very informal and should be lots of fun!... we are meeting around 9:30-12 (maybe a little longer).. we have been talking about this for about a year and I finally bit the bullet and decided to organize this... I am kinda sick of paying for crops and really wanted to just get out of the house and spend time with women I love (not strangers)... leave a comment if you need more info and want to come!!!... this is just a layout I finished a couple months ago... and I still love it!


she's got a "toother"!

when Daisy woke up this morning I did my daily "toother" check... lo and behold she's got one!!!... the lower right one...
I am not sure why but I tend to call the little baby teeth "toothers"... but I do... she was so upset yesterday afternoon for Aunt Alison and now we know why!... this is her chewing on a banana in this mesh baggy thing I just bought... a wonderful baby invention!... love it and it keeps her busy for about 10minutes... no fusses!


Halloween night....

we had a wonderful Halloween... the kids had fun (I think)... Cater was a "car" and Daisy a flower (of course but without the headband she looks like the Jolly Green Giant)...we first went to Nanny and Grandpa's and visited with them and Uncle Scott... we even saw Melanie the doggie... got some pumkin cookies... yum!!... then we went off to Grammy and Grampy's (and met up with daddy) to see the pumpkin display... Carter walked right over to the pumpkins and didn't even want to come inside... as far as the display.. this is mostly Steve's thing but now it seems to be a family affair since we all pitch in... I did the Red Sox one and Kevin did Captain Hook... we also had Elmo, Charlie Brown, scary cats, ghost, alien and tree... then we went off to a couple neighbor house to trick or treat... it's hard at this age because Carter doesn't really understand candy.. we never give it to him... so he was kinda excited about it but really didn't understand the trick or treating... he barely could get a thank you out.. I think he was over whelmed... when we went back to the house we all talked to Em on the phone and hung out... lot's of kids had great costumes... it was fun but I am wiped out making that car and juggling the kids all day... not to mention other drama (not having a car because it was stuck in the garage and Kev had the opener) that changed my whole plans for the day but now that it is all over I am just fine... funny how a good nights sleep can change things so much... off to another nights sleep!