so vacation was most wonderful... the basic thing was the four of us together for such a long amount of time was so nice and refreshing... the drive to Grandma's was so much better than I thought even though I was trying to have positive expectations (since your kids usually live up to your expectations of them or so I have heard)... carter was wonderful and stayed busy with all the little "activities" and gifts we had wrapped up for him... we kept things light and casual the whole time, nothing fancy or elaborate... a bbq at my Aunt Barb's, corn from the garden, visiting Grandma and Grandpa Carter's church, blueberry pancakes for breakfast, ice cream at Aunt Carol and Uncle Brian's, Carter beating up his second cousin Bob, dinner on Grandma's porch, a trip to the park, playing in Grandma's big driveway, watering the flowers, me digging through vintage fabric scraps to make a quilt for Carter, watching food netwoork and LAink late at night while the babes sleep, taking Roxie on walks and trying to get her to calm down (she minded me better than grandma by the end of the week), Kevin watching baseball, long talks in the car on the way home, visiting Kathleen and Rick Ellis on the way home, and getting home to sleep in our own bed... oh how I love that place and the memories it bring back to me... I hope my children will remember it too! if not at least I have pictures of them there... then off to camping (will be continued tomorrow)
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