The first week of dreads has been interesting... not the worst but definitely a bit of change in my lifestyle... from sleeping with a towel pinned to my pillow (no beeswax on my sheets please), to trying to tame my "do" to leave my house, to helping my kids warm up to my new "do", spending less time on-line b/c my hands are busy twisting my dreads, spending endless hours educating my world about dreads, how they happen, work and why I would do such a thing!, also helping my straight laced hubby adjust to them ;), being mistaken as a veggie due to having dreads, finding that running a 5K with dreads seems to really make you want to wash them a bit early and adjusting to catching myself in the mirror with crazy hair morning, afternoon and night! I am loving most of it!!!!
Last night I washed my hair and it seemed to hold the dreads but seems pretty frizzy right now. I may wax again after a day or two. Carter counted my dreads... 29 in total, Cora likes to touch play with and roll them and Daisy says they look like snakes.... always shares her most honest opinion that one! So here is to another week of happy dreadiness!
A journey begins...
I can hard believe this day is here...

If you are close to me in any way you would know that I have wanted dreads forever.. well high school really.
I am not sure where the inspiration started... probably from following this guy around to his local gigs:
I spent most of my teen years dying my hair from blonde, to red, to brown, black, magenta and the hair cuts and styles never stopped changing... I had to divorce hair stylist b/c they just weren't daring enough to me.

Dreads do not develop over night... it is a lot of work, perseverance and patience. My friend Jada helped me with most of them and I finished them tonight at home. I will be blogging here more about them so follow if you want!
If you are close to me in any way you would know that I have wanted dreads forever.. well high school really.
I am not sure where the inspiration started... probably from following this guy around to his local gigs:

When I became a mama I want nice "mom" hair with those new highlights and lowlights... I love my new hair dresser and blew my hair styled every day and spent a lot of money every 6-10 weeks on my do. When Daisy was a baby a mother/wife at our church past away and I carried Daisy in the infant seat through the wake... what struck me most about Char was her hair... from picking strawberries with her toddlers to wedding pictures, to my memories of her as a loving mom to teenage boys her hair was the same... I suddenly wanted long hair to braid, turn grey and grow long but that seemed like too much work for me and my little "mama do". Fast forward five years... I have changed my style a hand full of times but over the last year I grew my hair long and it became curlier than I ever remembered. But kind of a crazy curly. But I long for a style that will grow with me, be familiar to my children and also fun! (I always want fun hair!) So today I dread locked my hair... Don't think I am the only mama to do this...

and lots of other doula mamas I have met have dreads... So here we go.... drum roll....
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