today was filled iwth many lovley moments to be thankful for...

~Baking yummy Cinnamon Buns for my family and sharing them with friends
~Harvesting our final crop (carrots) from our garden and bringing them to our Thanksgiving table.
~Sending the men folk off to WRHS football game.
~Cuddling on the couch with best friend that has many reasons to be thankful this year!
~Watching the Macy's Day parade pretty much interuppted (thanks to TIVO).
~Watching Daisy lift her legs up in the air while watching the Rockettes for the first time (brought tears to my eyes).
~Helping our friends enjoy this holiday.
~An Easy ride to Boston and walking into my parents house to receive lots of hugs!
~Meeting new friends.
~Being thankful that I didn't have to work even though they thought I should be there (arggh!).
~Pulling into the driveway with three sleepy kids and a quiet house!
~And being able to spend the evening with my hubby who is wonderful!
Wow and that is all in one day... what about the other 364 days of the year?
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