sewing a set of jammies for my niece and her doll for her 4th Birthday... and scrapbooking the end of 2006 (did 8 pages yesterday, including this gem from this January)
love this little spot to spend the morning with the kids.... we are however excited about getting a dining room table so we can soon have guest over
to all my fellow scrappers.... Happy National Scrapbooking Day!
(layout from my sister Rebekah's 6x6 sweet 16 album)
And no..... I will not be scrapbooking due to the fact that I worked last night and I leave in one hour to work again!
wake up only to the sound of the kiddos...
no alarm set today...
don't leave the house till after noon at least....
make breakfast for the children carefully since you are still not "awake"..
make a strong cup of coffee like "black tiger"....
watch the kiddos eat breakfast and try to wake up....
go to the basement to throw much needed laundry in....
turn on PBS to entertain the almost 3 yo...
check e-mail and blogs for inspiration and energy....
eat toast with peanut butter and Nutella...
second cup of coffee...
take photos of Daisy picking her toe jam...
play in the playroom with kiddos...
but most importantly keep jammies on for the entire day (well at least till after lunch)...
and try not to leave the house with them on!