brings so many ideas... love the old mirrors and vintage wood in this home... love open shelving... love the neutral with the red... I can smell the fresh air just by looking at the pictures of this home... here is a fun inspiration ... just love having inspiration all around me!
I had sooo much fun... a little stress but I had dreamt about this party since this magazine hit the shelves four or more years ago... I had help and inspiration from many... the use of the very cool, old house my mother- in-law works in... the soulemama for her inspiration for Daisy's Birthday crown and my friend Heather who made Daisy's matching shoes... Iparty for the balloons because I just didn't want to make another thing... Jennier and Bella for coming to ice the cookies... Carter was so wonderful as mama was busy and he couldn't eat the sugar!!!... and my wonderful husband who did endless amounts of dishes and allowed me to be crazy all week and make a mess! It truly was what I had dreamed of and hoped for.... everything went smoothly and I hope she appreciates it when she grow up... now I have more scrapping to do... wow that sounded like an Oscar speech!
I can hardly believe it's been a year... plans are in full swing for her daisy party... I'll be busy momma today... last trip to Target and the craft store.... I hope!
a new space to decorate... a little girl room to dream about... vintage tile to drool over (sorry I just LOVE it!)... gardens to plant... a porch to rock on... ah... did I say focus?... or "un-focus?..... introducing our new home in a little more that two months!
since I worked last night and I am working tomorrow today was not an easy day to celebrate our love for each other... Kevin and I did have a wonderful evening in Boston on Sunday seeing U2 3D at the Imax and eating at Giacamos in the North End... we even missed the snow squalls... the kiddos loved getting Valentines int he mail... these ones are from my grandma... I see she has a stash of "vintage" cards somewhere... I love them!... like would pay $$$ for them... I still have Carter's from last year pinned to the mirror in the nursery... Oh and today marks 3 years of this love being a part of our lives!... still going strong as my boyfriend!
I am trying to keep it, however, my house is a mess!... sorry babe I know how much this bugs you!... my focus has been on Daisy's 13t birthday party... the 2peas photography class... work- took a preceptor workshop and have started helping out in a different unit with new nurses who need a little guidance now that their off orientation... trying regroup and to take this week (only working my 24hours) and trying to catch up on friends and helping Em and Sean move home(well close enough)!