here are few special ones from Christmas eve... we were rejoined together as a family... read the nativity story... the kids opened their Christmas PJs... put out cookies for Santa and carrots for the "moose" and we tucked them into bed... it was a wonderful evening together once again...
I thought I would share some pictures from our Christmas celebrations... today is a group of photos taken on our trip to Ohio... we made Gingerbread(graham cracker) houses... Carter woke up from his nap and Giuliana was so excited... Daisy finally took to a sippy cup... dinner at Aunt Barbs... family pictures... Grandma's 80th Birthday Party... watching old movies from when my Mom was growing up... making squares for Grandma's quilt... Carter and Giuliana playing...spending time with the Carter side cousins... and opening Christmas gifts with my brother Dave and family... I know a lot of pictures but I love pictures! some are just okay but I really love others! Like just want to keep staring at them forever....
here is my little helper playing with the potholder... he loves standing on the stool getting my attention to let him do something... he kept calling the white part of the candy canes "butter"... he gets that love from his mother!... I just love getting together with all the girls... the only excuse this time of year is cookies to eat and recipes to share... we all had a wonderful evening eating treats and sipping cocoa/coffee/cranberry punch... this was the third annual Christmas Cookie Exchange and we were packed out... just throughly enjoy have our mini-home filled with laughter and chatter... thanks girls for making it special for me!... we are off to Ohio! I'll check back in Christmas Eve.
come over for a cookie feast tonight!... my Annual Christmas Cookie Recipe exchange is going to be in full swing tonight... warning: you must be 18 years of age and female to attend
love big storms and being trapped in the house... but eventually I have to make a break and run to Target like we did last night... yes, a family trip to Target is always fun especially when it is 9 days till Christmas and the store is almost empty.... we attempted to let Carter just walk and obey as we shopped for a few essentials for our trip to Ohio on Thursday... yeah for 4-wheel drive!... this is a view from the office today...
I simply love making things for Christmas... I really should start in July though... it's always a rush but I see the light at the end of the tunnel... only about three more thing on my list to make... two are in the works and one I am waiting for a small package in the mail... these ornaments were for an ornament swap I did through the Red Velvet Art blog... fun! I will share the three ornaments I received once I get the last one in the mail... can't wait! the last picture is a secret.... wishing you all happy project making!!!... even if it is cookies!
thanks to my awesome (or lack there of) photography skills this was a difficult task... moving little boy... cranky girl... stuffy outfits... only one parent home... lack of sunshine through the windows... a camera that is too good for me... note to self for next year... Target is only 5minutes away and they have a portrait studio!
Carter was born to decorate the "mas twee" (as he calls it)... he loves it!... so serious and focused on placing every little ornament on the tree... we simplified things this year put up the little artificial tree that my mom gave me for my little ornaments... it came out so cute... just enough to brighten up the living room and add some holiday spirit... trying to keep things simple and not be stressed out!... just waiting for a moment to still by tree light and watch a good Christmas movie with my hubby!