a princess party...
Daisy was able to attend her friend Princess Kylie's birthday party this past weekend.... I got her all dressed up which she is enjoying more and more everyday!... She was glued to my leg thinking I was going to leave her at Steph (Steph watches her while I sleep during the day)... Needless to say we had a wonderful time and Daisy was very pretty.... since the party she has had lots of fun making "printet" (princess) art from all the stickers she got... and we have been praying hard for Kylie and her big brothers as they adjust to life back with there mom.... and we are praying for Steph and Wes as they adjust to a quiet home after 10months of loving and caring for these children... this is definitely a time to model the grace and love of Christ but it is not easy! Please join us in covetting them inyour prayers!
Ocean City trip
We went down a few weeks ago to visit my brother and his wife and their kiddos. We went to the beach two days in a row (what a treat!). Here are a couple pictures of our time on the beach:
best buddies
Daisy and "GanPA" Grandpa
look how big Cora is getting!
twins Auntie Tina and Genevieve!
Ladder Ball tournement
rides on the boardwalk
Carter and me on the Ferris Wheel- no fear here!
My Dad built a fire and we had yummy smores'.... but they sure were messy!

My Dad built a fire and we had yummy smores'.... but they sure were messy!
Carter turns 4!
Today was a rainy but very exciting day! Carter turned four and we had a sheep party!
Carter opening some AWESOME gifts: (thanks everyone)
the sheep movies:
and family:
all in all we had a beautiful day! We celebrated our little guy getting big! And celebrated the father's in our lives.
Here you go Keith and Al! I updated the blog.... just for you!
big eater...
We started Cora on some cereal tonight....
I really don't look forward to this because it can be time consuming but she really stares at us when we eat... and she is ready to cut down a feeding which means... time for solids!
knowing that my other two couldn't eat just cereal I added some bananas...
she hated the bananas (me too!)...
fingers are much better!

knowing that my other two couldn't eat just cereal I added some bananas...

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