more fun times this summer... last night Kevin's little brother Keith got married to Alyson!... we are so excited to have her as a part of our family... she loves the kids sooooooooo much!... she will be a great Auntie!... the wedding was beautiful! we had a wonderful time... no kids, lots of pictures, some dancing, feeling pretty and in love again!... although I do admit that I did think of how Carter would have loved all the dancing and would have thought it interesting that we adults as well can move a little!... prior to the wedding Kevin had an injury racing to the mailbox with Keith... oh what a fun wedding memory this will be...
this past weekend we went camping with friends: the Gentlemens, Ed and Shiloh and Kristen and Jeremiah... we had a wonderful time and all of our friends helped us a lot!... we camped near Wingaersheek beach in Gloucester... we loved it but it just wasn't long enough for us... our new tent was awesome!... it is huge and plenty of room for us and more... so nice to know we aren't limited in numbers when we camp (due to the fact that our house can't possibly hold another person and neither can either of our cars)... we had a wonderful time exploring the beach on Saturday... our group found multiple hermit crabs, sand dollars (Kevin found the only dead one we could take home), a sea snail and a cohoag (spelling?) that we watched dig it self back into the sand... really cool!... Carter just ran around like a nut... that is the best thing he does right now... (and say "NO!") ... Sunday we checked out the quarry in Gloucester which was really cool but the kids were pooped and we had to get going early because I had to work =( ... feel like we have been on the road a lot but it's summer time and we are having so much fun!
I just love this picture from visiting the Rutland pool a couple days ago with Isabella, Noah and Jennifer... blonde babes!
we so will not fit in this crowd anytime soon... not like we were the only ones with kids (this is a family weekend but) we went away this weekend with Kevin's company to the White Mountains... it was a wonderful break from the daily grind but dinner at the Mount Washington Resort was just so not us... these things are so hard to do with kids... Daisy didn't nap most of the day and was very fussy by dinner time... I had to feed her on the Veranda (no biggie but a little awkward) and Carter had perfected the temper tantrum (and performed this everywhere we went- at Panera, the train station, the car multiple times, the weather museum) this weekend so we were on edge trying to avoid this the whole time we were there... we missed the bus returning at 7:20 (which would have been perfect timing for bedtime) and the next one didn't leave till 8:45... so we went to the playground and Carter ran around like a nut with the other kids and held up the line trying to decide if he wanted to go down the "big" slide or not (he never did despite my coaching)... he ended up settling into the sandbox in his nice outfit =(... oh well no tantrums there... the bus ride back to our condo was nice but both kids were wide-eyed and bushy tailed when we got home... a quick change into jammies and thrown (lovingly) into the pack in plays and then Kevin and I enjoyed the hot tub!... they were fast asleep by the time we were done... and the drive home sucked!!!!... I thought I wasn't going to get home in time for work (which was an awful night!)... lots of traffic and thunderstorms... not a good ending to the interesting weekend but Kevin's calmness eased me enough so i didn't have a breakdown!... when momma's not happy, nobody's happy! This is so true for us right now so I must stay cool calm and collected more and enjoy these babes while I can!
so last week we tried to do the potty training thing... by the end of the week this was Carter's face!... the whole thing really stressed him out!... he was so unmotivated and even fought with me to go on the potty by the last day... and it was a lot of hard work for everyone (Kevin, Grampy and Auntie B)!... even Daisy hated it!... so for now he is back and diapers and we are going to enjoy vacation with no potty training in mind but come the end of August.... we'll be back at it!
we finally had Carter's birthday party with family and a few friends... we bought him this awesome kitchen from Target!... he loves it and it keeps him so busy!... his party theme was red, white and blue... since the 4th is in a couple days and I have to work =(... I decided it was best to celebrate our country too!... it was such a beautiful little party!... BBQ, brauts, potato chips, Root Beer, and birthday cake (that star is supposed to be red- I ran out of food coloring!)